APPROVED Minutes of Meeting of the Lake Highlander Board of Directors July 11, 2024

Call to Order:  Kathy Burgan, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Roll Call:         

Kathy Burgan               Present____X___

Steve McCaskey          Present____X___

Cathy Quast                 Present____X___

Jenna Wilk                   Present____ __

Deb Modesto              Present____X___

Dan Fraher                  Present____X___

Percy Way                   Present_______

Stacy Davenport, Park Manager is present.

 Proof of Notice:  In accordance with Florida Statutes and our By-Laws, notice of this meeting was posted on July 7, 2024.

 Disposal of Unapproved Minutes:  April 11, 2024 minutes:  motion made by Steve McCaskey and seconded by Kathy Burgan to approve said minutes.  All directors voted to approve.

 Disposition of Correspondence:   None

Open Forum: 

  • #137 mentioned that the street surface looks diminished. Do we need a new sealer put on?
  • #75 said that probate is done on his coach. He has paperwork for approval of an emotional support animal for his wife’s dog

Manager’s Report:  given by Stacy Davenport, Park Manager

  • See attached report
  • Additionally:
    • Why is water cost so high? Residents watered new grass, residents stayed longer.  Recent bill was down $3,000.  A Park leak check will be done in the coming season.
    • Insurance – we are waiting for the mortgage company to decide if we have to have wind coverage (approximately $56,000). Should we pay off the mortgage so we would not have to have wind coverage?  Stacy will look into the cost of re-roofing.
    • Members can donate memorial money to replace trees. The Park would maintain those trees.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • See attached report.

Standing Committee Reports:

Long Range Planning:  none

Emergency Management: 

  • Committee met and discussed purchasing new batteries for flashlights.

Alteration Committee:

40 – paint driveway                                                       142 – flower bed

47 – install new windows in porch                                203 – paint driveway

78 – paint railings, deck and driveway                         313 – paint driveway

226 – platform , steps                                                  245 – replace windows

142 – paver – DENIED same size

313 – cement planter in front of house                       85 – paint trim

30 – replace window with same size                            314 – install handrail

52 – shutters installed

47 – replace carport posts and downspout

181 – scalloped pavers along carport and sidewalk

Steve McCaskey moved to approve all the above, Cathy Quast seconded.  All directors voted to approve.

Unfinished Business:  none

 New Business:

  • A position is open on the Fining Committee

Motion to adjourn by Cathy Quast , seconded by Steve McCaskey .  Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.

Mary Lou Fraher, Secretary

Lake Highlander has homes for sale!