Call to Order: Steve McCaskey, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Calling of Roll: Kathy Burgan, Secretary, called the roll- Steve McCaskey, Susan Zerbe, Kathy Burgan, Deb Modesto, Cathy Quast and Jenna Wilk all present. Quorum established. Also present, Beth Carroll, Property Manager, Stacey Davenport, Assistant to the manager.
Proof of Notice or Waiver of Notice:
Notice posted on, December 10, 2023, as per requirement and in accordance with the By-Laws.
Disposal of Unapproved Minutes:
November 9, 2023 minutes: Motion made by Steve McCaskey and seconded by Jenna Wilk, to approve said minutes; All directors voted to approve.
Disposition of Correspondence:
- None
Open Forum:
- Lot 232 – Speeding in park, animals being hit, concern for residents. Suggestions of borrowing speed monitoring signs from police, speed bumps etc. Recommend re-evaluation of options to aid with speed control.
- Lot 10 – Received letter from attorney.
- Lot 303 – FYI, personal pool sticks have been taken and/or replaced with other pool sticks.
- Lot 22 – Lawn mowing service has not been blowing off debris around the home adequately. Lawns without grass issue mowers/blowers spewing sand/dust. Beth to contact the mowing company.
President’s Report:
- Welcome to everyone, glad to see so many attending.
- Busy time of the year with the holidays, thank you to the staff and all those involved for the community decorating.
- Members are encouraged to attend the members meeting coming up next month, with regards for a quorum for our annual election or submit a proxy in the event you cannot attend. 5 candidates running for the LH Board. Kathy Hartwell will be overseeing the election process.
Manager’s Report:
- January 11, 2024 is our Annual Members Meeting, if you haven’t received the 2nd mailing come to office to pick up a packet. If you cannot attend use the proxy which allows the secretary to count you as part of the quorum. In the packet you should receive there are two envelopes, one for the ballet and the other for all other paperwork, please read and fill out appropriately.
- Mortgage company has confirmed our mortgage paydown.
- Our insurance company no longer covers mobile home parks. “Wind” seems to be the major factor. Our agents are diligently working on finding an insurance company. Mortgage company may create a temporary waiver until insurance issue is settled.
Grass – Grass has been an isues in areas in the park for years. Many years ago we investigated options and planted “ perinneal peanutgrass” in the entrance island and it is thriving. We have experimented on a couple lots (257 and 7) in the park several years ago and was successful. Peanut grass only grows a certain height, has pretty yellow flowers, does not require mowing but may be mowed. Possibility we could take a few “plugs” from the existing perinnial peanut plants in the entrance island before investing in purchasing the plants and placing the plugs in specific areas to see how well the plants will grow. Experiment with a couple lots, with their agreement. Another option recommended is to bring in good soil to grow grass. This has been tried previously with no grass growth, rains wash it away. Would have to remove a lot of sand to be able to put soil in. Recommend the long range committee to research the option of grass, peanut grass or other covering. Beth or Steve will contact long range committee.
Treasurer’s Report: Copy of Treasurer’s report attached to these minutes.
- Within budget
- Discussion regarding reinvesting a CD that has matured recently.
- May need moneys available for coverage for replacing our roofs due to insurance requirement changes regarding wind coverage.
- Mortgage paydown was received.
- Discussion ensued regarding paying off the mortgage to aid with insurance requirements. Large penalty for paying off mortgage.
- 2024 Proposed Budget – motion made by Steve McCaskey to approve the 2024 Proposed Budget, 2nd by Susan Zerbe. Motion passed.
Standing Committee Reports:
Long Range Planning: None
Emergency Management: None
Alteration Committee:
- Lot 268 – Lattice on carport
- Lot 212 – Paint driveway
- Lot 244 – Paint driveway
- Lot 145 – Shed, gutters, windows, siding
- Lot 34 — New window replacement
- Lot 126 – Repaint trim
- Lot 194 – Enlarge deck and shed
- Lot 89 — Repaint driveway
- Lot 128 – Repaint shutters
Motion made to ratify the above alteration requests by Steve McCaskey, 2nd Jenna Wilk. Motion passed.
Unfinished Business:
- Key FOB/card for pool/community buildings – Stacey Davenport spoke on options and costs of Key FOB/cards and/or smart phone feature option. Will continue to research the options and fine tune the costs/maintenance fees etc. With the use of any of these options we will be able to use the data for tracking foot traffic. Defer to next month board meeting.
- 2024 Proposed Budget – see remarks under “Treasury Report” above.
- Reminder the maintenance fee will be $240.00 per month starting January 1, 2024
New Business:
- 2024 Board Meeting dates posted as of December 11, 2023
- Electrical Power Posts and future energy needs – Deb Modesto expressed interest in researching the future of electric vehicles and how this could impact our power source in the future. This came up during review of our reserve study in regards to replacing the electric pedistals. Our electrical system may be fine just the way it is. Recommend Long Range Committee to research.
- Susan Zerbe expressed gratitude and appreciation to everyone while serving on the board. It has been a journey she treasures, to be involved and learn how things work in a community in which you live is priceless. We work as a group and we support one another. Thank you.
Meeting: Motion to adjourn made by Susan Zerbe, seconded by Steve McCaskey.
Meeting adjourned at 11.06 a.m.
Kathy Burgan, Secretary