Call to Order: Susan Zerbe, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

 Election of New Officers: Susan Zerbe offers congratulations to Jenna Wilk and Cathy Quast as new Board Members.

Liz Longhurst officiated the officer election.  Nominations were made for President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasure as follows;

President:       Steve McCaskey, Motion made by Susan Zerbe, seconded by Cathy Quast.

Vice-President:          Susan Zerbe  Motion made by Kathy Burgan, seconded by Cathy Quast.

Secretary:      Kathy Burgan             Motion made by Steve McCaskey, seconded by Cathy Quast.

Treasure:       Deborah Modesto     Motion made by Steve McCaskey, seconded by Kathy Burgan.

All Motions were passed unanimously.

Steve McCaskey gave congratulatory remarks to new members, also thanking Susan Zerbe for all her service as president.  Susan Zerbe expressed gratitude.

Steve McCaskey expressed Warren Bowman’s interest in returning to the Board to finish out his term.       Motion was made by Susan Zerbe, seconded by Steve McCaskey, to offer a director’s seat to Warren Bowman. All directors voted; 4 yea’s, 1 no.  Motion passed.  Welcome Warren Bowman.

Calling of Roll: Kathy Burgan, Secretary, called the roll-, Steve McCaskey, Kathy Burgan, Cathy Quast, Jenna Wilk, Warren Bowman were all present, Deb Modesto absent and Susan Zerbe attended remotely.  Quorum established. Also present in the Clubhouse was Beth Carroll, Property Manager.

Proof of Notice or Waiver of Notice:  Notice posted on January 15, 2023, as per requirement and in accordance with the By-Laws.

 Disposal of Unapproved Minutes:

December 8th, 2022 minutes:  Motion made by Steve McCaskey and seconded by Jenna Wilk to approve said minutes; All directors voted to approve.

 Open Forum:   Lot 285 – AED, Lot 266 – AED, E-mail access to Board, Lot 2 – Thanks for voting for Board; AED; need more planning in community; and other matters.

President’s Report:  No President’s Report

Manager’s Report:  Copy of Manager’s Report attached to these minutes.

AED options; Motion made by Steve McCaskey, seconded by Jenna Wilk to order AED and service contract. All directors voted to approve. Pool Pit Repairs; Following a discussion of refurbishing the pool pit or rebuild it, a Motion was made by Susan Zerbe, seconded by Jenna Wilk, to refurbish the pool pit for approximately $15,000.00. All directors voted to approve.

Treasurer’s Report:  Copy of Treasurer’s report attached to these minutes.

Standing Committee Reports:

Long Range Planning:       None

            Emergency Management: None

Alteration Committee:        129/Mathias; Replace windows 171/Woods; awnings; 213/ under-coach foam insulation. The three newest Board Directors abstained from voting as they were not familiar with the alterations. Alteration requests moved to next Board Meeting to allow new directors to review the requests.

Unfinished Business:  Clubhouse use for Tai Chi classes.  Following a discussion, a Motion was made by Steve McCaskey, seconded by Jenna Wilk, to allow Tai Chi classes in the clubhouse for a trial period of three months.  All directors voted to approve.

New Business:  None

Meeting Motion to adjourn made by Steve McCaskey, seconded by Cathy Quast.

Meeting adjourned at 10:57.

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