Minutes of Meeting of the Lake Highlander Board of Directors February 9, 2023
Call to Order: Steve McClaskey, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Calling of Roll: Kathy Burgan, Secretary, called the roll-, Steve McCaskey, Kathy Burgan, Deb Modesto, Jenna Wilk, Warren Bowman were all present, Cathy Quast absent and Susan Zerbe attended remotely. Quorum established. Also present in the Clubhouse was Beth Carroll, Property Manager.
Proof of Notice or Waiver of Notice: Notice posted on, February 6, 2023, as per requirement and in accordance with the By-Laws.
Disposal of Unapproved Minutes:
January 19, 2023, minutes: Motion made by Steve McCaskey and seconded by Deb Modesto to approve said minutes; All directors voted to approve.
Appreciation expressed by Steve McCaskey, president, to Beth Carroll, Sharon Shedd, Rick Bardak, Wayne Tarvin.
Open Forum: Lot 285 – AED, Lot #50 – Drainage on Ann Marie.
President’s Report: No President’s Report
Manager’s Report: Copy of Manager’s Report attached to these minutes.
AED arrived, arrangements for setup and training in process; Drainage on Ann Marie is being researched; Bingo equipment repair/replace options ongoing; Brick Memorial location/ideas; Card Tables replaced in Library; Microphones/Sound system and cameras repair/replacement options ongoing.
Treasurer’s Report: Copy of Treasurer’s report attached to these minutes.
Standing Committee Reports:
Long Range Planning: None
Emergency Management: Reminder; Be prepared at all times for any inclement weather.
Alteration Committee: 129/Mathias; Replace windows. 171/Woods; Awnings. 213/Under-coach foam insulation.106/Bigelow; Replace door. 155/Crocker; Paint Home. 226/Gries; Lattice. 268/Cerio; Brick barrier/paint. Motion made by Steve McCaskey to approve said alterations, seconded by Jenna Wilk. All directors voted to approve.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: None
Meeting Motion to adjourn made by Steve McCaskey, seconded by Warren Bowman.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45.