Minutes of Meeting of the Lake Highlander Board of Directors March 9, 2023


 Minutes of Meeting of the Lake Highlander Board of Directors March 9, 2023

 Call to Order: Steve McCaskey, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Calling of Roll: Kathy Burgan, Secretary, called the roll- Steve McCaskey, Kathy Burgan, Deb Modesto, Cathy Quast, Jenna Wilk, Warren Bowman all present, Susan Zerbe attended remotely.  Quorum established. Also present, Beth Carroll, Property Manager.

Proof of Notice or Waiver of Notice:  Notice posted on, March 6, 2023, as per requirement and in accordance with the By-Laws.

 Disposal of Unapproved Minutes:

February 9, 2023, minutes:  Motion made by Steve McCaskey and seconded by Jenna Wilk to approve said minutes; All directors voted to approve.

 Open Forum:   None

 President’s Report:

  • Gratitude to all the volunteers who were involved with the White Elephant Sale.
  • LHROA is responsible to protect the property rights of the common buildings and grounds and it is not open to the public. There shall be no postings or advertising to the public regarding our many events as LHRO then becomes a public accommodation. Residents may invite a quest periodically.
  • Sharon Shedd had given notice; last day of employment will be June 29, 2023
  • Tai Chi trial period update from Karen Durbin;
    • Expressed gratitude for allowing trial, approximately 12 classes have been held with 7-20 attendees per week
    • The room setup has been working well
    • Would like to continue offering class and would like to invite outside guests with fees
    • Ok to continue as a trial, the board with verify with legal regarding fees and outside guests

Manager’s Report:  Copy of Manager’s Report attached to these minutes.

  • Cameras- Bob Martin presented estimates for repairing vs upgrading cameras

Motion made by Jenna Wilk, seconded by Steve McCaskey, to upgrade cameras at front entrance and dumpster area of park.  Total cost not to exceed $9,000.00 and install as soon as possible. Unanimous approved by the board.

  • Pool Pit- repair cost estimate came in higher than expected. Requesting approval for $17,625.00.  Motion made by Steve McCaskey to approve additional moneys for pool pit repair not to exceed $18,500.00, seconded by Kathy Burgan.  Board approved unanimously.
  • Reminder to make arrangements to keep your unit clean, secure loose objects before leaving for the season.

Treasurer’s Report:  Copy of Treasurer’s report attached to these minutes.

  • Within budget
  • No update on the infrastructure survey from the engineering company at this time
  • CD’s $40,000 and $60,000 have been purchased, looking at purchasing additional CD at other banks
  • Paydown of mortgage was declined due to communication issues, the CD’s purchased will help mitigate loss. Communications are ongoing at this time for the next paydown.

Standing Committee Reports:

Long Range Planning:       None

  Emergency Management:

  • Per legal, LHRO is responsible for the common buildings and area only in the event of a catastrophic event.
  • Seasonal residents; Reminder to remove all loose object prior to departing this spring.

  Alteration Committee:

  • Chattel Letter; tabled
  • Lot 69/Beaulieu; Paint Shutters
  • Lot 18/Modesto; Replace awnings
  • Lot 111/Hamley; Lattice on carport
  • Lot 170/Wilson; Carport supports
  • Lot 243/Gaito; Replace windows
  • Lot 269/Langella; Resod
  • Lot 273/Clark; Paint drive/sidewalk
  • Lot 46/France; Replace light fixtures
  • Lot 115/Dudle; Install Ramp
  • Lot 135/Dequis; Epoxy floor shed
  • Lot 161/Strawser; Paint shutters/trim
  • Lot 121/Strawser; Paint shutters/trim
  • Lot 254/Ringer; Mesh around
  • Lot 6/Sutton; Paint home

Motion made by Steve McCaskey to approve said alterations, seconded by Jenna Wilk.  All directors voted to approve.

Unfinished Business:

  • Bingo Board update: Tabled due to absence of reporter


New Business:

  • Engineering Study anticipate to start in April.
  • New microphones coming soon
  • Reminder to all residents, secure all loose items in event of catastrophic weather

Meeting Motion to adjourn made by Jenna Wilk, seconded by Steve McCaskey

Meeting adjourned at 10:55.

Lake Highlander has homes for sale!